Our Guiding Principles




Our first goal is to focus on the needs of the communities and individuals we represent, and the expressed wishes of the communities with whom we work. Egos and agendas (political, religious, professional, or otherwise) must not interfere with this. We are expected to look after one another and to ensure safety, both as individuals and as a collective membership. If you see someone that needs something, help them.




Certifications, skill level and experience will be respected in regard to our work. Both professional expertise and lived experience will be respected regarding organizing and educational work. They will not, however, translate into a hierarchy of duties or division of labor. Everyone can clean toilets, organize supplies, wash dishes, and pick up after themselves. Before speaking or asking for something, consider whether your question or comment needs to be addressed or whether you can find the information on your own.




Everyone will be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of type of case, identity, or social status of any kind, including developmental, physical, and psychiatric disabilities and chemical dependencies. Chapter members and guests from the community will be talked with, not at or about in front of them. Legal jargon will be explained in clear and understandable terms. When training and/or orienting new members and volunteers, nobody will be objectified.



We ask that members give to this organization and movement more than they take. We aspire to work with a mind towards solidarity. Every effort will be made to assess skill and willingness to volunteer among our members and visitors, and to include as many members of the community in this work as is ethically and logistically possible.




When working together we will prioritize and center the voices and opinions of people from non-dominant groups that have historically been silenced or ignored. We recognize that the duty to protect client confidentiality and the attorney-client privilege is sacred. The reputation, integrity, and confidentiality of any of our members, visitors, allies, and volunteers will also be strictly respected.




Everyone will be sensitive to issues of oppression and privilege. Please gently confront oppressive behavior in others and be willing to have your own oppressive behavior recognized and confronted. Respect people’s time and labor, and seek guidance on how to call out and confront oppression graciously, and how to be generous if you are called out or confronted.



Everyone will recognize their own competencies and limitations. Training and growth opportunities, both legal and cultural, will be ongoing for all members, no matter their age, background, or experience. If you have an idea or suggestion, consider whether you can commit to implementing the idea or suggestion before offering it.